Is Mormonism a Cult or a Christian Denomination?
This past week there was a huge political flap about a Baptist minister named Robert Jeffries over his claim that Mormonism is a cult and that Mitt Romney should not be considered a Christian. The remark set off a firestorm because this was the ground for encouraging people to not vote for Mitt Romney. All […]
Never Read Your Bible Alone
The most recent edition of Christianity Today (Oct. 2011) highlights the issue of “How we read Scripture.” The front cover of the journal boldly declares, “How to Read the Bible.” There is a also a little callout on the cover which stands as a kind of subtitle, “Why leading evangelical scholars are arguing for a […]
What 21st century American Church Planters can learn from Church Planters in India.
One of the joys of my life has been the privilege of training young ministers of the Gospel in the USA and in India. Prior to coming to Asbury to serve as President, I taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for 11 years, and, prior to that, Toccoa Falls College in Georgia. One of the biggest differences […]
Deeper Issues Behind the Same-Sex Marriage Discussion
According to the United Methodist Reporter more than 900 United Methodist clergy have pledged to perform same-sex unions in open defiance of the Scriptures, of our ministerial tradition of holy conferencing, and of the Discipline of the United Methodist Church. In response, a group of Asburians (either Asbury Seminary graduates or member of the Board […]
Optimistic of Our Mission to Theologically Educate
This church-focused, theologically informed new vision I am calling for today will not eagerly embrace “top down” political strategies as effective methods for cultural transformation. This new vision sees the local church, not the para-church, as the central locus of evangelism and discipleship. This new vision eschews niche-marketing strategies for drawing unbelievers to church. It […]
Theologically Educate
Brothers and sisters, as your President, I call this community to serious, sustained theological reflection. Our mission statement calls for us to “theologically educate.” What does this mean? Properly speaking to “theologically educate” forms heart, mind and action. Beloved, it is not enough to declare that “your heart is in the right place.” Your mind […]
God is, like, my pal
Let us turn now to the “come as you are – no need to dress up” line. Richard Weaver in 1948 (Ideas have Consequences) and the linguist John McWhorter in 2003 (Doing our own thing: The Degradation of Language and Music and Why We Should, like, Care), among others, have argued that the contemporary preference […]
I don’t like that style of worship…
The “worship style choice” lines reminds us how deeply we evangelicals have become commodified and “market driven.” Market driven language pervades contemporary evangelicalism at every turn. This democratizing spirit tacitly assumes that there are no higher points of reference for establishing the shape and practice of the church, ministry and worship than popular opinion and […]
Our Mission to Theologically Educate
In his 1937 landmark book, The Kingdom of God in America, Richard Niebuhr memorably described the message of Protestant liberalism as “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgement through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.”1 In the ensuing years Niebuhr’s statement has become one of the more […]
A Few Thoughts on the Mystery of the Inspiration of Holy Scripture
Do you know the difference between the words “irrupt” and “erupt”? Irrupt means to come “crashing in” or “bursting in,” whereas erupt means to burst forth or break out. A volcano erupts, i.e. it spews forth lava, fire and smoke. God’s salvation irrupts into the world. The incarnation is something which comes crashing in from […]