What Is the Trinity?

Christianity, like all monotheistic religions, asserts that there is only one God. We do not believe in three Gods. However, Christianity is unique in our understanding that the one God exists in three eternal and personal distinctions known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The church has used the word “Trinity” to capture this great […]

Keys to Catechesis: Discern the Prior Working of the Holy Spirit

Christians are commanded to “make culture” by reconstructing the grand narrative of the gospel. This grand story echoes from creation to fall, from covenant to incarnation, from resurrection to ascension, from Pentecost to church, from the return of Christ to New Creation. This big narrative of God’s mighty, redemptive acts loses its coherence when we […]

Who Is God?

God is a personal being, infinite in love, knowledge, and power. He is perfect in wisdom, goodness, righteousness, justice, holiness, and truth. God is both the creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the final goal and judge of the universe, infinite and perfect in all his attributes. The Jewish/Christian understanding of God is […]

Introducing Thirty Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith

My book 30 Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith is available for purchase from the Seedbed store. This resource makes for a great teaching tool in local churches. Recently you’ve seen a few chapters posted, highlighting some of the content. From now on we’ll feature a chapter from my book each week in […]

Thirty Questions Catechism: How do we know what God is like?

In 2012 I authored a short book with Seedbed Publishing entitled, “Thirty Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith.” This summer I will be sharing some of those questions and answers here on my blog. How do we know what God is like? God has made himself known to us in acts of personal […]

Thirty Questions Catechism: Who is God?

In 2012 I authored a short book with Seedbed Publishing entitled, “Thirty Questions: A Short Catechism on the Christian Faith.” This summer I will be sharing some of those questions and answers here on my blog. WHO IS GOD? God is a personal being, infinite in love, knowledge, and power. He is perfect in wisdom, […]

My Charge to the spring 2013 Graduates of Asbury Theological Seminary

The first sermon series I ever preached as a newly minted United Methodist pastor back in 1984 was a series on the Seven “I Am” sayings of Jesus found in John’s gospel : Jesus said, “ I am the bread of life, I am the light of the world, I am the gate, I am […]

Charge to Asbury Theological Seminary’s 2013 Graduates

If shepherd is used as a verb –  “to shepherd” –  it means to lovingly care for.  To shepherd is the opposite of “to abandon” or “to leave in danger”.   You are called to shepherd God’s flock.  Many of you will be pastors.  Love your flock enough to faithfully preach God’s word.  Don’t waste your […]

Honoring the Past. Forging the Future. Happy 90th Birthday Asbury Theological Seminary

In 1923 the Lord used Henry Clay Morrison to establish a school committed to spreading scriptural holiness throughout the world. From the outset it was clear that Asbury was not birthed to become merely another institution of higher learning that would grace the pages of the Chronicle of Higher Education. Nor was Asbury established to […]

Psalm 87: Anomalous or Apostolic

Psalm 87 (see below) may strike a first time reader as an odd psalm. Why would an entire psalm be dedicated to people from various forgotten nations like Rhab (a name for Egypt), Babylon, Philistia, Tyre and Cush? Furthermore, why would they be found boasting that they were “born in Zion” as declared in verses […]