Spreading Scriptural Holiness throughout the World, Part 2: A Wesleyan Renaissance in a Post-Christendom World
By the grace of God, we are making remarkable, providential progress toward our 2023 Strategic Plan. We are re-mapping the strategic witness of Asbury Theological Seminary, becoming simultaneously more global (less sectarian) yet also more aware of our own Wesleyan identity within the larger context of global Christianity. This Fall, we will re-present the 2023 […]
Spreading Scriptural Holiness throughout the World, Part 1: The Whole Bible for the Whole World
Asbury Theological Seminary 7th Convocation Address Estes Chapel, September 08, 2015 Florida-Dunnam Campus, September 11, 2015 — This academic year will mark the half way point between 2009 and 2023, which has been the goal of our strategic plan and why we called it the 2023 Strategic Plan. For our new students, you should know […]
Three Stories: One Mission
I just returned from a week in the UK representing Asbury in various venues. The remarkable thing about the week was that, despite the diversity, all three of my experiences were moments of promise and hope for the church in Europe as well as encouragement for all of us. Event #1: This week marked the […]
My Reflections on the Supreme Court Ruling re: Same Sex Marriage
In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court has struck down all state bans regarding same sex marriage. This makes same sex marriage the law of the land in all fifty states. Most of us were not surprised by the decision since the trajectory of this, as noted in Justice Kennedy’s decision, was driven by a […]
What the Church Can Do During Exile
One of the most remarkable, and often overlooked, passages in the Old Testament is the letter Jeremiah wrote to his fellow Israelites who had been carried off into Babylonian exile (See Jeremiah 29). He told them (contra the false prophets of his day) to settle down, accept the judgment of God, plant crops, have children […]
I Came, I Saw, I Loved: My Charge to the Asbury Theological Seminary Spring Graduating Class of 2015
Julius Caesar famously wrote to the Roman Senate in 46 B.C. in the wake of his stunning victory in the east: veni, vidi, vici—I came, I saw, I conquered. That famous phrase veni, vidi, vici has become almost the summarizing motto of the confident, unbridled triumphalism of the Roman era. If their motto was “I came, […]
3 Reasons I’m a Wesleyan
I have a deep love for Wesleyan Christianity. There are several reasons for this. First, one of the great advantages which Wesley had was that he was born in the 18th century, a full two centuries after the Protestant Reformation. This gave him the ability to look back and see first-hand the strengths and weaknesses […]
Is the Same-Sex Marriage Debate “Roe v. Wade” or “Brown v. Board of Education”?
This week the Supreme Court is beginning to hear the oral arguments in a landmark decision which will either strike down all legislation banning same sex marriages, or it will uphold state prohibitions against same sex marriage. Most legal observers say it is likely that by this summer same sex marriage will become legal in […]
Would You Sell Your Church for $1?
The wonderful thing about language is that it grows and adapts to the linguistic landscape. When I grew up, a “mouse” was a little furry creature that scurried around at night. When I was growing up no one would know what a “blog” was, and certainly it would be mystifying if someone said in answer […]
The Post-Denominational “Network” Solution
I often tell my senior leadership team that when they come to me with a problem, they should endeavor whenever possible to also come with a solution. This is a good principle which applies to the church as well. We are all aware of problems in the church, but workable solutions have been scant. I […]