Theology of the Body (2020)

Theology of the Body Series (2015)

For the Body: A New Resource by Timothy Tennent

Between September 5, 1979, and November 28, 1984, late Pope John Paul II preached a five-­year series of weekly homilies on the theology of the body, which constitutes the landmark exposition of this theme. As wonderful as this resource is, it is theologically nuanced and not easily accessible to ordinary Christians who are facing these […]

My 2019 Opening Convocation Address (Part II): Embodying the Means of Grace

I began this series by posing the central problem we face in our cultural moment, namely, the inability to frame a moral argument. Today, in Part II, I propose the first of three solutions to this problem. John Wesley understood that there are times when you cannot “make an argument” to the surrounding culture. But, […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: Pastoral Concerns (Part XIV)

This is the 14th and final installment in this blog series on the theology of the body. If you want to listen to the messages, they are found by clicking “listen.” — The scope of what has been covered is quite vast, but we will conclude with some pastoral advice in how these issues are […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: The Body in Art and Media (Part XIII)

This is the 13th part in this series on the Theology of the Body. If you want to listen to the messages, they are found by clicking “listen” on the home page of my website. — In this article I want to address the two primary ways these images influence men and women. For men, […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: The Body in Media (Part XII)

This is the twelfth part in this series on the theology of the body. If you want to listen to the messages, they are found by clicking “listen” on the home page of my website. – One of the dominant themes of this blog series is that the body is not merely a biological, functional […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: Egalitarianism vs. Complementarianism (Part XI)

This is the eleventh part in this series on the theology of the body. If you want to listen to the messages, they are found by clicking “listen” on the home page of my website. — This particular piece in this blog series seeks to explore whether the mystery of Christ and the Church informs […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: God is Not Just Saving Souls (Part X)

This is the tenth part in this series highlighting key insights from John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. – The word “incarnation” is taken from John 1:14: “the word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  The word incarnation simply means “in the flesh.”  At a particular time—in the fullness of time—the eternal Second person […]

Marriage, Human Sexuality, and the Body: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Part IX)

This is the ninth part in this series highlighting key insights from John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. — This morning I woke up and during my exercises I saw a commercial on the television set which was quite amazing. A large x-ray screen was set up and through the screen the viewer sees […]