Why Did God Become a Man in Jesus Christ?
September 26th, 2013Although the Triune God is from all eternity, the Scriptures teach that at a certain point in time the second person of the Trinity became a man known as Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Messiah. This is known as the incarnation, which simply means “in the flesh.” We have already noted how the entire human race fell into sin because of Adam’s disobedience. We have also pointed out how the priests, temple, and sacrificial system were not able to fully solve the problem of sin. The principal reason for this is that the entire human race is made up of sinners and there is no one in the human race without sin. As Augustine said, “We are sinners by birth and by choice.”
How can the human race be rescued out of rebellion and avoid inevitable condemnation when everyone, without exception, is bound under sin? The only way is to bring another Adam into the world; someone who, like that first Adam, was without sin and who could once again have the choice to obey or disobey, but this time get it right. In other words, there had to be a way to go back and rewrite that first chapter of the human story recorded in Genesis chapter three on the Fall of Man.
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