The Grace Filled Life

Embodying the Means of Grace (Part 1)

Christ the fountainhead of the means of Grace : the Incarnation as the Embodiment of Grace (Part 2)

The Church as a Means of Grace : The Universal Call and the Radical Transformation (Part 3)

Baptism as a Means of Grace: The Four Stories of Baptism (Part 4)

Eucharist as a Means of Grace : Real Presence in a World of Real Absence (Part 5)

The Lord’s Prayer as a Means of Grace : Our Family Prayer (Part 6)

Reading Scripture as a Means of Grace : The Sword of Truth (Part 7)

Works of Mercy as a Means of Grace (Part 8)

The Psalms as a Means of Grace: (with Mrs. Julie Tennent) (Part 9)

Worship as a Means of Grace (Part 10)