Pastors, Get Rid of the "Countdown Clock"!

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Dr. Timothy C. Tennent currently holds the Methodist Chair of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School at Samford University.   He teaches in the areas of mission, world Christianity and wesleyan studies.  From July 2009-July 2024, he served as the President of Asbury Theological Seminary.  Prior to his coming to Asbury Theological Seminary, Dr. Tennent was the Professor of World Missions and Indian Studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he served since 1998.  He is ordained in the Global Methodist Church and has pastored several churches.  He is a frequent conference speaker around the country and throughout the world, including numerous countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. Dr. Tennent is the author of numerous books and articles. His books include, Building Christianity on Indian Foundations (ISPCK), Christianity at the Religious Roundtable (Baker Academic), Theology in the Context of World Christianity (Zondervan) and Invitation to World Missions: A Trinitarian Missiology for the 21st Century (Kregel Academic), and For the Body: Recovering a Theology of Gender, Sexuallity, and the Human Body (Zondervan). Dr. Tennent’s wife, Julie, is also a graduate of Gordon-Conwell and been the managing editor of two major hymnals, including, Our Great Redeemer’s Praise.   She also authored with her husband A Metrical Psalter and a Meditative Journey through the Psalms.    Julie is  a musician and a frequent speaker on hymnology and psalm singing.  Dr. and Mrs. Tennent have two children, Jonathan and Bethany.  Jonathan is married and is a CPA in Lexington, Kentucky and Bethany is a missionary in central Tanzania doing Bible translation and church planting with Africa Inland Mission.